European Communcations Office

ECC Work Programme Database

Work Item details
Reference FM44_31
Short Name Ku-band land-based in-motion earth stations
ETSI Workitem
ETSI Deliverable
Subject Land based in-motion earth stations operating with GSO FSS systems in the 10.7-12.75 GHz (space to Earth) and 14-14.5 GHz (Earth to space) bands (“Ku band”)

Related WI SE40_33
Scope Develop a new ECC Decision on 'The harmonized use of frequencies, exemption from individual licensing and free circulation of land-based in-motion earth stations, including vehicle-mounted earth stations and earth stations on trains, operating with GSO FSS systems in the 10.7-12.75 GHz (space to Earth) and 14-14.5 GHz (Earth to space) bands'
Deliverable ECC Decision
Responsible group WG FM - FM44
Start date 03-02-2017
Target date 05-07-2018
Public Consultation 12-02-2018
Permanent Work Item False
Comments Land-based in-motion earth stations such as vehicle mounted earth stations or earth stations on trains are to be deployed within Europe as part of connected and autonomous vehicles and self-driving Vehicles, and also for broadband mobility applications. Such deployments will have to be subjected to certain technical and regulatory conditions, amongst other things, to maintain compatibility with other existing services.
Compatibility studies should be carried by the CEPT.

Worked by
Contact Robin Donoghue ([email protected])
Status Finalised
Triggered By Approved by WGFM#87. Supported by Germany, Switzerland, Croatia, France, Sweden, TheNetherlands, Liechtenstein, Portugal, Austria.
Progress Report

WG FM (May 2018) approved the draft new ECC Decision (18)04 on ‘The harmonised use, exemption from individual licensing and free circulation and use of land based Earth Stations In-Motion (ESIM) operating with GSO FSS satellite systems in the frequency bands 10.7-12.75 GHz and 14.0-14.5 GHz’ for submission to the ECC for final approval for publication