European Communcations Office

ECC Work Programme Database

Work Item details
Reference FM22_32
Short Name RLAN_DFS
ETSI Workitem
ETSI Deliverable
Subject Consider interference cases to meteorological radars caused by non-compliant use of 5 GHz RLANs.
Related WI
Scope Project Team FM22, responsible for enforcement, was tasked to consider interference cases to meteorological radars caused by non-compliant use of 5 GHz RLANs. CEPT administrations were invited to provide relevant proposals directly to FM22.
Deliverable Other
Responsible group WG FM - FM22
Public Consultation
Permanent Work Item True
Comments WGFM#89 (October 2017) agreed an assessment of the reported interference at meteorological radars caused by 5 GHz WAS/RLAN following the collection of information by means of a WGFM questionnaire. WGFM will request ADCO RED to conduct a market surveillance campaign and the ECC will be informed about the results of the questionnaire. A reference to the agreed assessment will be included in ECC Report 192. FM22 will continue to monitor the situation and the work item FM22_32 is continued. ECC#46 in November 2017 agreed a revised list of actions and a response liaison statement to ADCO RED.

Worked by
Contact Robin Donoghue ([email protected])
Status Finalised
Triggered By Agreed at WGFM#87 (Jan./Feb. 2017)
Progress Report

ECC#48 in July 2018: during the discussion the following elements were identified:

The interference cases will befurther discussed in FM22 and WG FM (Eumetnet will provide a contribution to the next FM22 meeting);
The expected response from ADCO RED (in October 2018, after the ECC meeting) will be considered;    The suitability of the interference questionnaire for the overall yearly investigations will be considered with regard to the interferences at meteorological radars in the 5.6GHz band (WG FM already approved the questionnaire for the interference cases in the year 2018);
The interference situation is remaining not satisfying in many countries. National market surveillance and enforcement activities need to be improved to bring the right responses to this situation so as not to undermine the credibility of the applicable regulations.