European Communcations Office

ECC Work Programme Database

Work Item details
Reference NaN1_01
Short Name Numbering for cloud-based communication services
ETSI Workitem
ETSI Deliverable
Subject ECC Report on Numbering issues for cloud-based communication services

Related WI FNI_03

We see more and more new applications emerging where phonenumbers are decoupled from SIM cards and/or fixed lines. They are dynamicallyassigned for short periods of time and or used for applications where there isno longer a strict relationship with a fixed/mobile phone line. Differentterminologies such as virtual numbers or cloud numbers, are used to describethis phenomenon.

These innovations have been made possible by using the cloudto provide electronic communications services.

There are many regulatory requirements in place in relationto the use of different types of number resources, in particular those designedto protect the interests of end-users, to facilitate competition and to ensurethe effective and efficient use of numbering resources. Are all of theseregulatory requirements reasonable and proportionate for those newapplications? In some circumstances they can even be contra-productive andhamper innovation.

The report will first of all describe these evolutions ofthe network and the new services based on those networks, will bring forward adefinition, make an assessment of the different regulatory requirements (e.g.number portability, CLI issues, emergency calls, relation of the identificationof calls with misuse or fraud) and other aspects (e.g. sub- assignment,security of communication) and their relevance to this new numbering usage andfinally make recommendations for the CEPT countries on numbering policy.

Special attention will be given to the question of whoexactly are the end-user and provider of the telephone numbers and theirtypical extraterritorial use.

Deliverable ECC Report
Responsible group WG NaN - NaN1
Start date 24-11-2021
Target date 23-11-2023
Public Consultation
Permanent Work Item False
Comments Work item approved at WG NaN #23 (online) - 23-25 November 2021.

NaN1 (working jointly with NaN2 and NaN3)

Keywords Cloud-based communication services, numbering resources
Worked by
Contact Vassil Krastev ([email protected])
Status In Progress
Triggered By Belgium, Sweden, Finland, United Kingdom, Italy, Ireland
Progress Report Approved as new work item at WG NaN #23 (online) - 23-25 November 2021.

Work on the draft report commenced at the 50th full meeting of NaN1 (20-21 February 2022). A web meeting was scheduled for 15 March 2022 to further progress the work.

Progress made during the web meeting on 15 March 2022. Next web meeting scheduled for 5 April 2022.

Progress made during the web meeting on 5 April 2022. Work will continue at the 51st full meeting of NaN1 (4-5 May 2022).

NaN1 continued at its 51st full meeting (4-5 May 2022) work on the draft ECC Report on Numbering for cloud-based communication services and on an overview table with the use case scenarios and components that are similar across these services which will help framing the report.

Progress made during a web meeting on 12 July 2022.

The draft report was reviewed at the 52nd and the 53rd full meetings of NaN1 held on 13-14 September and 9-10 November 2022, respectively. A web meeting was scheduled for 13 December 2022.

Progress made during the web meeting on 13 December 2022. 

NaN1 continued work on the draft report at its 54th full meeting held on 24-25 January 2023. A web meeting was scheduled for 23 March 2023.

NaN1 held two web meetings on 23 March and 24 April 2023 to progress the draft report.

NaN1 continued the work on the draft report at the 55th full meeting. The provisional title of the draft report was changed. Several action points were assigned to participants, and the meeting agreed to schedule a web-meeting for 6 June 2023.

NaN1 held two web meetings on 6 June and 3 July 2023 to progress the draft report. The next web meeting was scheduled for 22 September 2023.

Progress on the draft report was made at the web meeting held on 22 September 2023. Work will continue at the next full meeting.

NaN1 progressed the work on the draft ECC Report on cloud numbering at its 56th full meeting held on 10-11 October 2023. New action points were assigned to participants. Next web meeting to work on the draft report was scheduled for 19 December 2023. 

Progress on the draft report was made at the web meeting held on 19 December 2023. Work will continue at the next full meeting scheduled for 23-24 January 2024.