European Communcations Office

ECC Work Programme Database

Work Item details
Reference SE07_33
Short Name Audio PMSE in the 700MHz duplex gap
ETSI Workitem
ETSI Deliverable
Subject Audio PMSE in the 700MHz duplex gap (ECC Report 221)

Related WI
Scope To review and provide comment on the updated technical analysis and carry out additional analysis as appropriate relative to audio PMSE in the 700 MHz MFCN duplex gap from ECC Report 221
Deliverable Other
Responsible group WG SE - SE7
Start date 19-05-2022
Target date 16-06-2023
Public Consultation
Permanent Work Item False

WG FM pointed out a possible inconsistency in ECCReport 221, which triggered this WI.

Review and adjust technical input parameters and protection criteria as required

Deliverable: Liaison Statement from WG SE to SRD/MG, FM51 and WG FM.

SRD/MG, FM51, WG FM, and ECC PT1 to be informed about this WI.

STG may provide assistance regarding SEAMCAT.

LSfrom WG FM (SE(22)064)including the updated technical analysis and the SEAMCAT Workspaces (SE(22)064A01),as received from SRD/MG.

Worked by
Status Finalised
Triggered By WGFM
Progress Report