European Communcations Office

ECC Work Programme Database

Work Item details
Reference PT1_56
Short Name EC Mandate on ATS
ETSI Workitem
ETSI Deliverable
Subject Harmonised technical and operational conditions for the usage of non-active antenna systems aerial terminal stations in harmonised MFCN bands (EC Mandate).
Related WI

Task 1

Assess the feasibility and the relevant conditions of radio communications between non-AAS aerial terminal stations (ATSs) based on 4G/LTE and 5G NR technology and wireless terrestrial systems capable of providing electronic communications services using the EU-harmonised frequency bands:

·         700 MHz, 800 MHz, 900 MHz, 1800 MHz, paired terrestrial 2 GHz, paired 2.6 GHz and unpaired 2.6 GHz, with non-AAS terrestrial base stations.

·         1800 MHz, paired terrestrial 2 GHz, paired 2.6 GHz, unpaired 2.6 GHz with AAS terrestrial base stations.

Task 2

Pursuant to the outcome of Task 1, develop least restrictive harmonised technical and operational conditions for the radio communications between non-AAS ATSs based on 4G/LTE and 5G NR technology and wireless terrestrial systems capable of providing electronic communications services using the related EU-harmonised bands. These conditions should be consistent with the existing EU regulatory framework applicable to the frequency bands under consideration. They should ensure interference mitigation and appropriate co-existence with incumbent radio services/applications in the same band and in adjacent bands, in line with the regulatory status of these services/applications. The CEPT may develop appropriate receiver characteristics for radio equipment as part of the harmonised technical conditions. Based on such harmonised technical and operational conditions, the CEPT may further recommend to ETSI to consider the results of this study when developing relevant harmonised standards.

Deliverable CEPT Report
Responsible group ECC PT1 - ECC PT1
Start date 08-03-2024
Target date 04-03-2025
Public Consultation 08-11-2024
Permanent Work Item False
Worked by
Status In Progress
Triggered By EC Mandate: ECC(24)014
Progress Report