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European Communcations Office

ECC Work Programme Database

Work Item details
Reference SRD/MG_44
Short Name
ETSI Workitem
ETSI Deliverable
Subject Review regulatory approach for wideband data transmission systems in 57-66 GHz and ITS in the 60 GHz range.
Note: ECC#48 in July 2018: It was clarified during the meeting that the SRD/MG will further study the 60 GHz range, including 66 - 71 GHz (see comments).

Related WI SE19_39
Scope Work on a better harmonisation approach with less restrictive regulations for all applications under general authorisation regime to be included within the ERC Recommendation 70-03 for the frequency range 57-66 GHz. Identify solutions to improve the sharing situation with ITS in the 60 GHz range.

Deliverable ECC Report , CEPT Report , Rev. ECC Decision , Rev. ECC Recommendation
Responsible group WG FM - SRD/MG
Start date 05-02-2016
Target date 07-06-2019
Public Consultation 29-10-2018
Permanent Work Item False
Comments The focus is on fixed application under license-exempt regulation in the 57-66 GHz range for small cells backhauling and wireless access, while nomadic and mobile use should not be excluded.  The effect of alignment of the ITS band with the channelling of the wideband data transmission system should also be considered.

Worked by
Contact Robin Donoghue ([email protected])
Status Finalised
Triggered By Agreed at WG FM#84, revised at WG FM#90. An ETSI SRdoc covering ITS and wideband data transmission systems is under preparation.
Progress Report
ECC#48 in July 2018: It was clarified during the meeting that the SRD/MG will further study the 60 GHz range, including 66 - 71 GHz, and ECC PT1 will be responsible as far as the WRC-19 preparation is concerned (CEPT Brief, ECP). SE19 will not be involved with regard to the band 66 - 71 GHz because there is no allocation to the fixed service in this band.

WG FM#92 (September 2018) adopted the draft CEPT Report 70 with a harmonisation proposal for wideband data transmission systems in 57-66 GHz for submission to the ECC for approval for public consultation and sending it to the EC.  WG FM approved a liaison statement from WG FM to ETSI related to the proposed new regulatory approach for 57-66 GHz wideband data transmission systems. WG FM endorsed the SRD/MG investigations for the need of studies between non-specific SRD and wideband data transmission systems in 57 - 66 GHz. Such studies were so far not performed in any ECC Report. No decision is agreed at this stage to conduct such studies.