European Communcations Office

ECC Work Programme Database

Work Item details
Reference PT1_47
Short Name EC Mandate 3.8-4.2 GHz Task 1
ETSI Workitem
ETSI Deliverable
Subject Feasibility and sharing studies on the shared use of the 3.8-4.2 GHz frequency band by terrestrial wireless broadband systems providing local-area (i.e. low/medium power) network connectivity (Task 1 of the EC Mandate)

Related WI FM60_01

Study and assess the technical feasibility of the shared use of the 3.8-4.2 GHz frequency band by terrestrial wireless broadband systems providing local-area (i.e. low/medium power) network connectivity. In this regard, consider sharing solutions, including innovative features, which ensure:

  1. protection and the future evolution and development of incumbent users sharing this band, in particular receiving satellite earth stations and terrestrial fixed links;
  2. coexistence of terrestrial wireless broadband systems providing local-area network connectivity and uses operating in adjacent bands such as terrestrial systems providing wireless broadband electronic communications services in the 3.4-3.8 GHz frequency band and radio altimeters on board aircraft in the 4.2-4.4 GHz frequency band.

Deliverable ECC Report , CEPT Report
Responsible group ECC PT1 - ECC PT1
Start date 04-03-2022
Target date 08-11-2024
Public Consultation 28-06-2024
Permanent Work Item False

Protection and future evolution and development of incumbent users, such as earth stations and fixed links.

Coexistence with applications in adjacent bands, such as MFCN in 3.4-3.8 GHz and radio altimeters in 4.2-4.4 GHz.

PT1 will assist WG FM in defining the harmonised technical conditions, possibly a BEM.

Meetings of PT1 and WG FM on this topic should take place in the same week and at the same location.

Interim Report: 11/2022

Technical studies to be made available to FM60:
  • Preliminary results in September 2023.
  • Stable studies at the latest in February 2024.
Draft ECC Report for PC approval at ECC#63 in March 2024 and publication at ECC#64 in June 2024.

Coexistence with radio altimeters are covered by WI PT1_40.

ECC Reports under PT1_47 and PT1_40 are used as appropriate to contribute to the CEPT Report.

Note: final WI deadline is for the CEPT Report to be submitted to WGFM, for PC approval at ECC#64 in June 2024 and publication at ECC#65 in November 2024

Keywords MFCN, radio altimeters, verticals, local area, broadband, FSS, FS
Worked by
Contact Peter Faris ([email protected])
Status In Progress
Triggered By EC Mandate
Progress Report