European Communcations Office

ECC Work Programme Database

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Reference Deliverable Subject Related Item Scope Start / Target dates Comments Status
Last update: 11-05-2017
Other Coordinated inputs to ITU-R: WP1A and other relevant ITU-R groups (in particular WP 5B) on unwanted emission issues
Coordination of contributions related to unwanted emission issues to ITU-R WP 1A and other relevant ITU-R groups (in particular WP 5B).

Deliverable: Coordinated contribution to ITU-R WP1A
Permanent Work item
In Progress
Last update: 08-06-2023
ECC Recommendation , ECC Report Receiver resilience to transmission on adjacent frequency ranges
  1. Be used by CEPT / ECC in its sharing and compatibility work and to be considered by ETSI when developing Harmonised Standards, giving an CEPT/ECC framework for continuous improvement of receiver resilience for a wide range / categories of receivers.
  2. List existing receiver resilience limits from ETSI Standards, for information.
  3. Provide CEPT / ECC recommended levels  for receiver resilience.
  4. Provide a separate annex with additional levels that can be considered by CEPT / ECC for use in sharing and compatibility studies.

S: 31-01-2020
T: 31-05-2024

Reference: ECC Report 310.
The primary objective of this work item is to develop a recommendation on receivers. Technical background of this new ECC Recommendation could be gathered in a supplementary ECC document, if required. 

In Progress
Last update: 02-02-2024
ECC Report Measurement methodologies for 5G AAS in the field PT1_35
Develop techniques and methodologies to determine or estimate TRP (with equivalent measurement metrics) by field measurements for both in-band and unwanted emissions (out of band domain and spurious domain) of 5G AAS. In order to facilitate checking compliance with national regulations and performing interference investigations.
S: 20-05-2020
T: 31-01-2025
Develop techniques and methodologies for measurement of 5G AAS in the field for the following:
1) In band signal evaluation (power limits, BEM)
2) Out of band emission evaluation 
3) Spurious emission evaluation 
To determine TRP or find a method to estimate TRP with other measurement metrics.
The determination of the TRP should also be used to evaluate the compliance with existing regulations (e.g. ERC REC. 74-01).

Laboratory measurements of 5G AAS as discussed in other groups (such as ECC PT1 or ITU-R WP5D) could be used for comparison / verification of the proposed methods of 5G AAS measurements in the field. It is recognized that additional a priori information on 5G AAS e.g. details of the antenna (e.g patterns)  are needed to develop or apply specific types of  methodologies for field measurements.
The TRP measurement techniques / methodologies may be evaluated compared with existing 5G AAS information and models. Differences in results between measurement  and models may raise the need for further work within ECC after the completion of this work. It is noted that the expertise on 5G AAS modelling is within ECC PT1.

WI to be done in cooperation with ECC PT1 and ECC FM22. It is noted that the deliverables for in-band and unwanted would be split into two.
In Progress
Last update: 10-10-2022
Rev. ECC Report Revision of ECC Report 249
To update ECC Report 249 “Unwanted emissions of common radio systems: measurements and use in sharing/compatibility studies ” with new material
S: 25-01-2019

To collect and review measurements in particular for 5G BS and UE measurements

To review as appropriate, the existing parameters with up to date measurements if available and to complete with additional systems if possible

To investigate how aggregated spurious emissions should be addressed in sharing and compatibility studies.

To investigate deriving emission masks or statistical distributions (e.g. in both cases based on measurements representing typical performance of equipment) for use in sharing and compatibility studies.

The result of this  work item should be considered when determining whether a revision of ECC Rec (19)02 is required.

Noting that the ECC Report 249 was updated during the 90th WG SE meeting in January 2022, the WI would continue to address 5G AAS measurements while keeping the available material as the baseline for the further work.

SE21 would also consider how the revision history of the ECC Report 249 could be addressed.
On Hold
* Target dates are seen as the intended date for the final approval of the related deliverable by the responsible entity. Internal deadlines for project teams and dates for the start of Public Consultations can be reflected in the remarks column. In general this implies that the draft deliverable should be completed by the project team one WG meeting earlier for publication.
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