European Communcations Office

ECC Work Programme Database

Responsible Groupv
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Reference Deliverable Subject Related Item Scope Start / Target dates Comments Status
Last update: 27-10-2018
Other EFIS Software Developments
To develop EFIS further to fulfil the requirements set out in respect of the ECC's strategic plan, spectrum inventory and EC Decision for EFIS
Permanent Work item

WGFM instructs ECO to conduct software changes in the EFIS DB.

WGFM#92 (September 2018): new action list endorsed. The summary of the EFIS questionnaire was also endorsed.

ECC#49 (October 2018): the meeting welcomed new developments on an Application Programming Interface (API) and is looking forward for the further steps of the API implementation.

In Progress
Last update: 12-10-2021
ECC Decision Update ECC/DEC/(01)03
Update of list of EFIS application terms.
Permanent Work item
In Progress
Last update: 03-10-2018
Other RIS Model Validation
EFIS/MG to validate RIS Models from originating PTs/MGs concerning compliance with the RIS Model template guidance and compatiblity with the EFIS DB.   
Permanent Work item
In Progress
Last update: 30-10-2020
Other Supervise ECO Report 04 



ECO Report 04 - FS implementation in Europe

WGFM #97 in October 2020 decided to remove ECO Report 05 from the scope of this Work Item

ECO Report 05 on 'CEPT, ECC and ECdeliverables - relation to application terminology specified in ECC Decision(01)03 Annex 2'

Permanent Work item
An update was endorsed by WGFM#91 in May 2018
In Progress
Last update: 12-10-2021
ECC Recommendation T/R 61-01 (CEPT Radio Amateur Licence), T/R 61-02(HAREC) and ECC/REC/(05)06 (CEPT Novice Radio Amateur Licence).

Maintenance of T/R 61-01, T/R 61-02 and ECC/REC/(05)06 as well as update of the FAQs file (placed on the RAFG webpage) on the interpretation of these Recommendations by the ECO.

Permanent Work item
ECO is updating national information in T/R 61-01, T/R61-02 and ECC/REC/(05)06 from CEPT countries on request. 
In Progress
Last update: 23-11-2021
Rev. ECC Report European Common Allocation Table (ERC Report 25)

Update of ERC Report 25 (European Common Allocation Table)


Permanent Work item

WG FM#100 (October 2021) approved the revised ERC Report 25 (European Common Allocation Table) for publication. 

In Progress
Last update: 12-10-2021
Other Civil/Military Forum
Development of Civil/Military frequency harmonisation
Permanent Work item

An overview on the civil-military meeting (23-24 November 2016 in Prague) and the results based on the presentation which was produced as the “outcome document” is in doc. FM(17)005-Annex 05.

WGFM#88 decided to keep the working methods for the Civ/Mil meeting (last revision 2010, see doc. FM(17)005-Annex 4), only subject to possible editorial amendments.

The next Civil-Military Meeting will take place 31 May - 1 June 2022 in Amsterdam at the kind invitation of the Netherlands.

In Progress
Last update: 12-10-2021
Other General review of all ECC/ERC Decisions and Recommendations >5 years old
Proposals for Decisions and Recommendations to be revised/retained/abrogated as appropriate
Permanent Work item
WG FM #99, June 2021 approved the editorial update of;-

  • ECC Decision (19)04 on Airborne earth stations, 12.75 - 13.25 GHz.
ECC in March 2021 published;-
  • the revision of ECC Decision (08)01 on ITS at 5.9 GHz.

In Progress
Last update: 24-06-2024
Other Low Frequency MicroWave Security Scanners (MWSSc) operating in 3.6-10.6 GHz range using UWB technology
Scope out studies on the compatibility and technical feasibility of coexistence for the potential introduction of MWSSc based on UWB in the band 3.6 to 10.6 GHz with existing radio services in the frequency range and adjacent bands.
S: 10-06-2022
T: 31-10-2025

Fixed indoor and temporary fixed outdoor use of MWSSc based on UWB in the band 3.6 to 10.6 GHz will be considered.

WG SE is asked to check if limiting outdoor use to entrance of a building can have an influence in the different parts of3.6-10.6 GHz

Based on the technical studies from WG SE, WG FM will decide what type of deliverable (if any) would be suitable.

In Progress
Last update: 03-11-2022
HF monitoring campaign
HF monitoring campaign 3 - 30 MHz
Permanent Work item
Results under Results could be used for the preparation of the next WRC.

In Progress
* Target dates are seen as the intended date for the final approval of the related deliverable by the responsible entity. Internal deadlines for project teams and dates for the start of Public Consultations can be reflected in the remarks column. In general this implies that the draft deliverable should be completed by the project team one WG meeting earlier for publication.
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